NI PXI-2568 31-SPST Topology

NI Switches

NI PXI-2568 31-SPST Topology

The following figure represents the NI PXI-2568 in the 31-SPST topology.

Making a Connection

You can control the channels using the niSwitch Connect Channels VI or the niSwitch_Connect function.

For example, to close the relay of channel 2, call niSwitch_Connect(vi, "ch2", "com2"). To open the relay of channel 2, call niSwitch_Disconnect(vi, "ch2", "com2").

When scanning the NI PXI-2568, a typical scan list entry could be ch2->com2;. This entry closes the relay between CH2 and COM2.


The following figure identifies the pins for the NI PXI-2568 in the 31-SPST topology.