Triggers Summary

NI Signal Generator

Triggers Summary

The following table describes the triggers supported by signal generators. The Supported Types column denotes which trigger types are valid for a given trigger.

Trigger Name Supported Types Description
Start Digital Edge, Software The Start trigger transitions a device from an idle state to a generation state where the device can respond to Sample clocks.
Script Digital Edge, Digital Level, Software The Script trigger is a general-purpose trigger with a role that is entirely determined by the context of the generation script. A script allows you to create sophisticated generation operations. For example, the script could configure the device to generate waveform A, then wait for the Script trigger, then generate waveform B. You can create multiple Script triggers for use in your application.

Once a digital edge Script trigger has been received, that trigger remains true for all subsequent instructions until the clear instruction is called or the trigger is reset after being used in the wait, repeat/end repeat, or if instructions.