NI PXI-5404 Waveform Generation

NI Signal Generator

NI PXI-5404
Waveform Generation

The NI 5404 frequency generator can generate sine or square waves at frequencies between 0 MHz and 105 MHz. NI-FGEN supports the NI 5404 in Standard Function mode only (the Output Mode property and the NIFGEN_ATTR_OUTPUT_MODE attribute can only be set to NIFGEN_VAL_OUTPUT_FUNC). In the standard function output mode, you can configure the following waveform properties: Waveform, Frequency, Amplitude, DC Offset, Start Phase, and Duty Cycle High (NIFGEN_ATTR_FUNC_WAVEFORM, NIFGEN_ATTR_FUNC_FREQUENCY, NIFGEN_ATTR_FUNC_AMPLITUDE, NIFGEN_ATTR_FUNC_DC_OFFSET, NIFGEN_ATTR_FUNC_START_PHASE, and NIFGEN_ATTR_FUNC_DUTY_CYCLE_HIGH attributes, respectively). You can configure many of these properties and attributes using the niFgen Configure Standard Waveform VI or the niFgen_ConfigureStandardWaveform function.

The waveform output terminals on the NI 5404, SINE out and CLOCK out, are closely related. The TTL signal at CLOCK out is derived from the sine wave. Therefore, the two terminals are treated as the same channel in NI-FGEN. Enabling and disabling the output affects both terminals. When the frequency and phase properties or attributes are set, both terminals are affected simultaneously. You can set amplitude and duty cycle on each terminal independently (DC offset can be read but not set). When you set or get one of these properties or attributes, the result depends on the value of the Waveform property or the NIFGEN_ATTR_FUNC_WAVEFORM attribute.

The Waveform property or the NIFGEN_ATTR_FUNC_WAVEFORM attribute determines which terminal is being configured when you set certain properties or attributes. When the waveform is set to a sine wave (the Waveform property or the NIFGEN_ATTR_FUNC_WAVEFORM attribute is set to NIFGEN_VAL_WFM_SINE), setting the amplitude configures the output of SINE out. Accordingly, if the waveform is set to a square wave (NIFGEN_VAL_WFM_SQUARE), you can configure the amplitude and duty cycle of the TTL signal at the CLOCK out. The settings specific to each terminal are preserved when the Waveform property or the NIFGEN_ATTR_FUNC_WAVEFORM attribute is changed, so both SINE out and CLOCK out can be configured separately in the same session.

Related Topics

Generating a Sine Wave

Generating a Clock Signal (Square Wave)

Locking to a Reference Clock

Routing/Exporting Signals