Manual symbols - conventions



Manual symbols - conventions

·      Paragraphs beginning with the icons Description: comment_16, Description: lightbulb_16, Description: alarm_16 and Description: reminders_16 relate to the following items respectively: Comment, Idea-Trick, Caution and Reminder

·      Whenever the use of a specific key is required, its symbol will appear in a framed grey background, e.g. use of the ‘Caps’ lock key appears as: Caps Lock

·    Activation of certain buttons by clicking on them is apparent in the button’s image, e.g. Description: new_project_16 symbolizes the ‘New project’ button and Cancel symbolizes the cancel button.

·    Anything that needs to be typed appears in bold, e.g.Type

·    The functions described in the present manual concern the Professional version. Some of the following features do not exist or are disabled in the Standard version. For more information, you can refer to the comparative table of the program versions on our website