Analysis parameters



Analysis parameters

Using this button a window appears where you can set various parameters of the measurement analysis templates.


·      the image height for the export to .xls file

Select also the color you wish to be used for:

·      drawing area segments

·      drawing dimension lines and numbers

·      drawing measurements

·      thumbnail figures background

·      thumbnail background filling

·      drawing thumbnail figures

Select also or type:

·      the arrow size in mm

·      the characters height in mm

·      the measurements table column widths in cm, separated by semicolons (;)

·      the scale line width in cm

·      the WBS table columns widths

Finally you can select which measurement types you want to show on the analysis sheets. The default setting is to show all except object counting.

If you click the ‘Defaults’  button all analysis parameter values are set to their defaults irrespective of any changes you have made.