Returns the arctangent of the specified x and y coordinates (the angle of a line that crosses the origin (0,0) and a point with x_num, y_num coordinates). The angle is in radians, in the range –pi to pi, excluding the value –pi.



X_num is the point’s x coordinate.

Y_num is the point’s y coordinate.


A positive result signifies a counterclockwise angle with the x axis, while a negative result signifies a clockwise angle.

 ATAN2(a;b) equals ATAN(b/a), but in the ATAN2 function, a can be equal to 0.

If the x_num and y_num values are 0, the ATAN2 function returns the error value #DIV /0!.

In order to express the arctangent in degrees, you have to multiply the result by 180/pi(), or use the DEGREES function.