RenderTarget.ResetGLStates Method


RenderTargetResetGLStates Method
Reset the internal OpenGL states so that the target is ready for drawing. This function can be used when you mix SFML drawing and direct OpenGL rendering, if you choose not to use PushGLStates/PopGLStates. It makes sure that all OpenGL states needed by SFML are set, so that subsequent Draw() calls will work as expected. Example: // OpenGL code here... glPushAttrib(...); window.ResetGLStates(); window.Draw(...); window.Draw(...); glPopAttrib(...); // OpenGL code here...

Namespace: SFML.Graphics
Assembly: sfmlnet-graphics-2 (in sfmlnet-graphics-2.dll) Version: (2.2.0)
void ResetGLStates()
Sub ResetGLStates
void ResetGLStates()
abstract ResetGLStates : unit -> unit 
See Also