Aged Purchase Orders Report — Features
Use the report to quickly spot purchase orders that have been outstanding for a long time, and that may require action.
For instructions on printing the report, see Aged Purchase Orders report — printing.
Information printed on the report
The Aged Purchase Orders report compares the Aged As Of dates to the order dates to determine the aging category to which each order belongs.
The report contains the following:
The Aged As Of date which determines the aging period to which each purchase order belongs.
The subtotal for the current period and each aging period, and the grand total of all aged purchase orders.
The amount of purchase orders for each period, expressed as a percentage of the grand total (single-currency ledgers only). (Shows where the bulk of aged purchase orders occurs.)
Amounts in the functional or vendor currency (multicurrency ledgers).
Report subtotals and, in multicurrency ledgers, a grand total for each currency.
See also