G/L Transactions Report — Features
The G/L Transactions report is a list of the general ledger journal entries created from all transactions posted in Purchase Orders since the last time you created the general ledger batch.
For instructions on printing the report, see G/L Transactions report — printing.
Information printed on the report
The Detail report includes, for each transaction:
The posting sequence number, which is the number of the day-end processing run when the transaction was created.
The Batch-Entry column is blank because Purchase Orders does not use batches.
The source code that identifies the source program (Purchase Orders) and the type of transaction in your general ledger. Purchase Orders source codes are:
PO-CO — consolidated transactions
PO-CR — credit notes
PO-DB — debit notes
PO-IN — invoices
PO-RA — adjustments to receipts
PO-RT — returns
The Reference and Description columns contain the data specified by your selections for the G/L Reference Field and G/L Description Field options (document number, source code/day end number/entry number, description, reference, vendor number, vendor name, PO number) in the Options form. The sample data uses the document number and the header description for these options.
Totals by account number. You can also sort the report and see totals by fiscal year and period.
The debit and credit totals of the transactions on the report.
The Summary G/L Transactions report lists a single line for each general ledger account number, with the total debit and credit amount for the account.
See also