Entering Additional Cost Details on Invoices
When entering an invoice for a receipt, you see additional costs only for the vendor selected for the invoice. Additional costs for secondary vendors appear on separate invoices.
You can add new additional costs to an invoice, as described under Entering additional costs on receipts, and you can select any proration method except manual proration.
You can also edit the cost amounts displayed from a receipt, except for amounts that were manually prorated on the receipt.
Information you can edit for additional cost details includes:
Description, reference, and comment.
You can change all additional cost amounts, except those that were manually prorated on the receipt. Although you cannot delete an additional cost detail, you can change the amount to zero.
General ledger accounts.
Non-inventory items
If you are adding additional costs for non-inventory items, you must choose No Proration. If you choose to prorate by quantity, cost, or weight, the program will display an error message and prevent you from posting the invoice.
Displayed tax information
Purchase Orders displays the following tax information for each additional cost detail:
Amount of tax that is included in the extended item cost.
Net cost of additional cost items with tax included in their prices (the tax base).
Total allocated tax amount — the amount of tax that will be allocated to the cost of the item.
Use the Cost/Tax button on the Additional Cost tab to view and edit tax information for the additional cost, as described below.
Allocating additional costs to multiple receipts
To prorate a new additional cost to multiple receipts, select the detail line and then click the Distribute (Dist.) Cost button to open the Cost Allocation form. You can manually enter amounts to allocate to each receipt, or you can let Purchase Orders calculate the amount to allocate according to the proration method you selected on the Additional Costs tab.
If you want to prorate or expense a job-related cost to several jobs, you must have a receipt detail for each of the jobs to which you want to apportion costs.
You can also specify retainage for job-related costs.
Editing the tax distribution
To check or edit tax distributions for an additional cost detail, select the detail line on the Additional Costs tab, then click the Cost/Tax button to open the Costs/Taxes form.
The Costs/Taxes form lets you specify, for each tax authority, the tax class for the item and whether tax is included in the cost (if allowed by the authority). The Costs/Taxes form also displays the recoverable and expensed tax amounts in the tax distribution pop-up form.
If you change the tax class for an additional cost that was manually prorated on the receipt, any resulting difference in the tax amount is posted to the default cost expense account specified in the Options form.
You can override the additional cost tax amount by changing the total tax on the Taxes tab; however, the program will prorate the tax change to each of the details. You can use the Calc. Taxes button to recalculate all of the tax on the invoice.