Adding Purchase Order Details
You enter the information for each item on a purchase order as a separate detail line. There are no restrictions on the number of detail lines you can add to a purchase order.
You do not enter additional costs (such as shipping and handling charges) on purchase orders. You add those amounts when entering receipts.
With each item detail, you specify:
Completed — whether the ordered items have been received or canceled.
Item Number — of the item being ordered.
Item description — supplied for existing Inventory Control item numbers, or typed in for non-inventory items.
Contract, project, category — for the job in Project and Job Costing if the purchase order is job-related. If you use different terms than "Contract," "Project," and "Category" in Project and Job Costing, the program displays them instead.
Location to which the ordered goods will be delivered, if you use Inventory Control.
Drop-ship the address where the vendor is to ship the items on the detail line (if it is not to the location specified for the line), such as to your customer's address (optional).
Quantity ordered — the number of units ordered.
Unit of measure — the unit of measure for the quantity being ordered.
Unit cost — displayed from the item record; can be edited.
Extended cost — the number of units times the unit cost.
Discount % or Discount Amount.
When you enter a discount amount, the program calculates the discount percentage, and displays the result in this field. If you enter a percentage, the program calculates and displays the discount amount.
Note that if you enter a discount for the purchase order on the Totals tab, the program distributes the total discount amount to the details, overwriting any detail discounts you entered.
Unit weight — the weight of one unit of the item, in the unit of measure you specified for the detail (optional).
Extended weight — the quantity ordered multiplied by the unit weight you entered for the detail.
Vendor's item number — the code or number used by the vendor to identify the ordered item (optional).
Expected arrival date — the date you expect to receive the item.
Order number — a sales order number of up to 22 characters (optional).
Comments and instructions — about the item or detail, up to 75 characters (optional).
Quantity outstanding — the number of item units that have not yet been received or canceled.
G/L expense account — the general ledger account to which you post the expense of non-inventory items.
Non-stock clearing account — the general ledger account number you debit when you receive non-stock items and credit when you ship them.
Manufacturer's Item Number - other numbers or codes that you use for your inventory items - such as bar codes or part numbers used by the manufacturer.
Optional Fields - company-defined fields added to each of the detail lines in a purchase orders transaction. If the Optional Fields column appears, you can click the column heading to display the Optional Fields form.
Displayed information
Purchase Orders also displays the following information with each detail (you cannot enter or edit this information on the Order tab or on the Detail Items/Taxes form):
The amount of tax that is included in the extended item cost. (Tax amounts are not displayed until you click the Calculate Taxes button or the Totals tab, or you post the purchase order.)
The net cost of items with tax included in their prices (the tax base).
Total allocated tax amount — the amount of tax that will be allocated to the cost of the item.
The quantity of each detail that has been received (this number is updated when you post receipts for the detail).
To check or edit tax distributions for a detail line, select a detail, then click the Item/Tax button. For each tax authority, you can change the item's tax class and, if permitted by the authority, specify whether tax is included in the item cost.
For information about calculating and editing taxes, see Editing vendor and detail tax information.
When you add an item line, the program updates the purchase order subtotal displayed at the bottom of the form.
See also
Entering Optional Fields information