Entering Blanket Purchase Orders
To enter a blanket purchase order
Choose Purchase Order Entry from the P/O Transactions folder to add purchase orders.
Use the PO Order Number field to add a new purchase order. Press the Tab key or click the New button.
If you do not want Purchase Orders to assign the order number, type the new number yourself.
Type the vendor number or select it from the Finder. You can also type a new vendor number, not yet added in Accounts Payable.
Choose Blanket in the PO Type field.
Enter the total amount that can be used for the blanket purchase order in the Original Amount field.
Complete the remaining Purchase Order Information and Vendor Information tabs with the information you need for the purchase order.
Add the details you are ready to order from the purchase order. (You do not have to add all the details at once.)
Add optional field entries (if used) and other information for the purchase order.
In multicurrency ledgers, edit the exchange rate information, if necessary.
Choose the Post button to post the purchase order.
For more information, see Blanket purchase orders
See also