SpeechSynthesizer Events

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

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The SpeechSynthesizer type exposes the following members.


Public eventBookmarkReachedRaised when the SpeechSynthesizer encounters a bookmark in a prompt.
Public eventProprietaryEngineEventThis event is for use by developers of custom speech synthesis engines.
Public eventSpeakCompletedRaised when the SpeechSynthesizer completes the speaking of a prompt.
Public eventSpeakProgressRaised after the SpeechSynthesizer speaks each individual word of a prompt.
Public eventSpeakStartedRaised when the SpeechSynthesizer begins the speaking of a prompt.
Public eventStateChangedRaised when the state of the SpeechSynthesizer changes.
Public eventVoiceChangeRaised when the voice of the SpeechSynthesizer changes.

See Also