LexicalForm Property

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

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Gets the unnormalized text of a recognized word.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Speech.Recognition
Assembly:  Microsoft.Speech (in Microsoft.Speech.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public ReadOnly Property LexicalForm As String
Visual Basic (Usage)
Dim instance As RecognizedWordUnit
Dim value As String

value = instance.LexicalForm
public string LexicalForm { get; }

Property Value

Type: System..::..String

Returns a String containing the text of a recognized word, without any normalization.


In most cases the values returned by Text and LexicalForm will be identical. However, recognition engines may use speech normalization to return more user-friendly or colloquial text representations of audio input.

Speech normalization is the use of special constructs or symbols to express speech in writing. For example, normalization can replace the spoken words "a dollar and sixteen cents" with "$1.16" in output text.


The following example shows a utility routine that generates text in one of three formats: lexical (using LexicalForm), normalized (using Text), and phonetic (using Pronunciation). The text output is obtained from a ReadOnlyCollection of RecognizedWordUnit objects, which is obtained from the Words property on the RecognizedPhrase object.

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internal enum WordType 
  Normalized = Text,
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internal static string stringFromWordArray(
         ReadOnlyCollection<RecognizedWordUnit> words, 
         WordType type) 
  string text = "";
  foreach (RecognizedWordUnit word in words) 
    string wordText = "";
    if (type == WordType.Text || type == WordType.Normalized) 
      wordText = word.Text;
    else if (type == WordType.Lexical) 
      wordText = word.LexicalForm;
    else if (type == WordType.Pronunciation) 
      wordText = word.Pronunciation;
      throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(
          String.Format("[0}: is not a valid input", type));

    // Use display attribute
    if ((word.DisplayAttributes & DisplayAttributes.OneTrailingSpace) != 0) 
      wordText += " ";
    if ((word.DisplayAttributes & DisplayAttributes.TwoTrailingSpaces) != 0)
      wordText += "  ";
    if ((word.DisplayAttributes & DisplayAttributes.ConsumeLeadingSpaces) != 0) 
      wordText = wordText.TrimStart();
    if ((word.DisplayAttributes & DisplayAttributes.ZeroTrailingSpaces) != 0)
    wordText = wordText.TrimEnd();

    text += wordText;

  return text;

See Also