DisplayAttributes Enumeration

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

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Lists the options that the SpeechRecognitionEngine object can use to specify white space for the display of a word or punctuation mark.

This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Speech.Recognition
Assembly:  Microsoft.Speech (in Microsoft.Speech.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration DisplayAttributes
Visual Basic (Usage)
Dim instance As DisplayAttributes
public enum DisplayAttributes


Member nameDescription
NoneThe item does not specify how white space is handled.
ZeroTrailingSpacesThe item has no spaces following it.
OneTrailingSpaceThe item has one space following it.
TwoTrailingSpacesThe item has two spaces following it.
ConsumeLeadingSpacesThe item has no spaces preceding it.


The speech recognition engine returns recognized phrases as collections of RecognizedWordUnit or ReplacementText objects. Each object corresponds to a single word or punctuation mark. The DisplayAttributes property of a RecognizedWordUnit or ReplacementText object uses a member of the DisplayAttributes enumeration to describe how print spacing is handled around a given word or punctuation mark.

Two or more members of the DisplayAttributes enumeration may be combined by a bit-wise OR to specify how a particular word should be displayed.


The display formatting that the speech recognizer uses is language specific.

For example, suppose the input phrase to a recognition engine is "Hello comma he said period".

Then the recognition engine will return a RecognizedPhrase containing five RecognizedWordUnit objects containing the following strings and values of DisplayAttributes.




OneTrailingSpace | ConsumeLeadingSpaces






OneTrailingSpace | ConsumeLeadingSpaces

The text returned for this recognized phrase would then be printed as: "Hello, he said."


The following example shows a utility method that returns a formatted phrase from a collection of RecognizedWordUnit objects returned by a recognition engine.

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// Use the DisplayAttributes property to format speech as text. 

static string GetDisplayText(List<RecognizedWordUnit> words)
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

  // Concatenate the word units together. Use the DisplayAttributes
  // property of each word unit to add or remove white space around
  // the word unit.
  foreach (RecognizedWordUnit word in words)
    if ((word.DisplayAttributes
      & DisplayAttributes.ConsumeLeadingSpaces) != 0))
      sb = new StringBuilder(sb.ToString().TrimEnd());


    if ((word.DisplayAttributes
      & DisplayAttributes.OneTrailingSpace) != 0)
      sb.Append(" ");
    else if ((word.DisplayAttributes
      & DisplayAttributes.TwoTrailingSpaces) != 0)
      sb.Append("  ");

  return sb.ToString();

See Also