ToGrammarBuilder Method

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

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Returns a GrammarBuilder object from this Choices object.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Speech.Recognition
Assembly:  Microsoft.Speech (in Microsoft.Speech.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Function ToGrammarBuilder As GrammarBuilder
Visual Basic (Usage)
Dim instance As Choices
Dim returnValue As GrammarBuilder

returnValue = instance.ToGrammarBuilder()
public GrammarBuilder ToGrammarBuilder()

Return Value

Type: Microsoft.Speech.Recognition..::..GrammarBuilder

A GrammarBuilder that matches this Choices object.


The GrammarBuilder returned by this method is equivalent to one returned by either of the following.

  • Calling the #ctor(Choices) constructor with this object as the parameter.

  • Using the implicit or explicit cast of this object to a GrammarBuilder.


The following example creates a speech recognition grammar for changing the background color.

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private Grammar CreateColorChoice()

  // Create a Choices object that contains a set of alternative colors.
  Choices colorChoice = new Choices(new string[] {"red", "green", "blue"});

  // Construct the phrase.
  GrammarBuilder gb = new GrammarBuilder();
  gb.Append(new Choices(new string[] {"Set", "Change"}));
  gb.Append("background to");

  Grammar grammar = new Grammar(gb);
  grammar.Name = "modify background color";

  return grammar;

See Also