Grammar Constructor (String)

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

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Initializes a new instance of the Grammar class from a file.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Speech.Recognition
Assembly:  Microsoft.Speech (in Microsoft.Speech.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Sub New ( _
	path As String _
Visual Basic (Usage)
Dim path As String

Dim instance As New Grammar(path)
public Grammar(
	string path


Type: System..::..String

The path of the file that describes a speech recognition grammar in a supported format.



Generated for invalid path values.

Generated if file does not contain a valid grammar, if the grammar is valid but does not specify a root rule, if the root rule initialization handler requires arguments, or if it has a relative rule reference not resolvable by the default base System.Uri rule for grammars.


The path argument:

The grammar contained in the file specified by path must contain a root rule, as the constructor does not allow the specification of a particular rule to load. To create a Grammar object from a string and specify a root rule, use the Grammar(String, String) constructor.

As there is no Base URI specified, any rule references must:

  • Use absolute URIs.

  • Target rules within the grammar being loaded.

  • Use any paths defined in the grammar object being loaded.

To create a Grammar object that specifies a base URI to use to resolve relative rule references, open the file in a file stream and use the Grammar..::..Grammar(Stream, String, Uri) constructor.


The following example loads a speech recognition grammar from a local SRGS file to build a Grammar object. The content of the cities.xml file appears in the XML example that follows the C# example.

C# Copy imageCopy Code
// Load a cities grammar from a local file and
// return the new grammar. 
private static Grammar CreateGrammarFromFile()
  Grammar citiesGrammar = new Grammar(@"c:\temp\cities.xml");
  citiesGrammar.Name = "SRGS File Cities Grammar";
  return citiesGrammar;
XML Copy imageCopy Code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<grammar version="1.0" xml:lang="en-US"
         tag-format="semantics/1.0" root="Main">
  <!-- cities.xml: 
    Defines an SRGS grammar for requesting a flight. This grammar includes
    a Cities rule that lists the cities that can be used for departures
    and destinations. -->
  <rule id="Main">
      I would like to fly from <ruleref uri="#Cities"/>
      to <ruleref uri="#Cities"/>

  <rule id="Cities" scope="public">
      <item> Seattle </item>
      <item> Los Angeles </item>
      <item> New York </item>
      <item> Miami </item>

See Also