Represents the semantic organization of a recognized phrase.
The SemanticValue type exposes the following members.
Explicit Interface Implementations
| Name | Description |
  | ICollection<(Of <<'(KeyValuePair<(Of <<'(String, SemanticValue>)>>)>)>>)..::..Add | Adds the specified key and SemanticValue to the collection. |
  | IDictionary<(Of <<'(String, SemanticValue>)>>)..::..Add | Adds the specified key and SemanticValue to the dictionary. |
  | ICollection<(Of <<'(KeyValuePair<(Of <<'(String, SemanticValue>)>>)>)>>)..::..Clear | Removes all key/value pairs from the collection. |
  | ICollection<(Of <<'(KeyValuePair<(Of <<'(String, SemanticValue>)>>)>)>>)..::..CopyTo | Copies a key/value pair to a specific location in a targeted array. |
  | IEnumerable<(Of <<'(KeyValuePair<(Of <<'(String, SemanticValue>)>>)>)>>)..::..GetEnumerator | Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. |
  | IEnumerable..::..GetEnumerator | Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. |
  | ICollection<(Of <<'(KeyValuePair<(Of <<'(String, SemanticValue>)>>)>)>>)..::..IsReadOnly | Gets a value that indicates whether the collection is read-only. |
  | IDictionary<(Of <<'(String, SemanticValue>)>>)..::..Keys | Gets a collection that contains the keys from a dictionary of key/value pairs. |
  | ICollection<(Of <<'(KeyValuePair<(Of <<'(String, SemanticValue>)>>)>)>>)..::..Remove | Removes the specified key and SemanticValue from the collection. |
  | IDictionary<(Of <<'(String, SemanticValue>)>>)..::..Remove | Removes the specified key and SemanticValue from the dictionary. |
  | IDictionary<(Of <<'(String, SemanticValue>)>>)..::..TryGetValue | Gets the SemanticValue associated with the specified key. |
  | IDictionary<(Of <<'(String, SemanticValue>)>>)..::..Values | Gets a collection that contains the values from a dictionary of key/value pairs. |
See Also