Add Method

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

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Adds an SrgsItem containing a word or a phrase to the list of alternatives.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Speech.Recognition.SrgsGrammar
Assembly:  Microsoft.Speech (in Microsoft.Speech.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Sub Add ( _
	item As SrgsItem _
Visual Basic (Usage)
Dim instance As SrgsOneOf
Dim item As SrgsItem

public void Add(
	SrgsItem item


Type: Microsoft.Speech.Recognition.SrgsGrammar..::..SrgsItem

The item to add to the list of alternatives.



item is nullNothingnullptrunita null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).


The following example creates a grammar that recognizes the phrase "A nation that has won the World Cup is" followed by the name of a country that has won the World Cup. The example uses the SrgsOneOf object to build lists of acceptable country names from an array of SrgsItem objects. Using the Add(SrgsItem) method, the example appends an SrgsItem that contains the string "Italy" to the SrgsOneOf object oneOfEurope.

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public void WorldSoccerWinners ()

  // Create an SrgsDocument, create a new rule
  // and set its scope to public.
  SrgsDocument document = new SrgsDocument();
  SrgsRule winnerRule = new SrgsRule("WorldCupWinner");
  winnerRule.Scope = SrgsRuleScope.Public;

  // Add the introduction.
  winnerRule.Elements.Add(new SrgsItem("A nation that has won the world cup is: "));

  // Create the rule for the European nations.
  SrgsOneOf oneOfEurope = new SrgsOneOf(new SrgsItem[] {new SrgsItem("England"), 
    new SrgsItem("France"), new SrgsItem("Germany")});
  oneOfEurope.Add(new SrgsItem("Italy"));
  SrgsRule ruleEurope = (new SrgsRule("EuropeanNations", new SrgsElement[] {oneOfEurope}));

  // Create the rule for the South American nations.
  SrgsOneOf oneOfSAmerica = new SrgsOneOf(new SrgsItem[] {new SrgsItem("Argentina"), 
    new SrgsItem("Brazil"), new SrgsItem("Uruguay")});
  SrgsRule ruleSAmerica = (new SrgsRule("SouthAmericanNations", new SrgsElement[] {oneOfSAmerica}));

  // Add references to winnerRule for ruleEurope and ruleSAmerica.
  winnerRule.Elements.Add(new SrgsOneOf(new SrgsItem[] {(new SrgsItem 
    (new SrgsRuleRef(ruleEurope))), new SrgsItem(new SrgsRuleRef(ruleSAmerica))}));

  // Add all the rules to the document and make winnerRule 
  // the root rule of the document.
  document.Rules.Add(new SrgsRule[] {winnerRule, ruleEurope, ruleSAmerica});
  document.Root = winnerRule;

See Also