PromptBuilder Methods

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

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The PromptBuilder type exposes the following members.


Public methodAddPromptDatabase
Public methodAppendAudio(String)Appends the specified audio file to the PromptBuilder.
Public methodAppendAudio(Uri)Appends the audio file at the specified URI to the PromptBuilder.
Public methodAppendAudio(Uri, String)Appends the specified audio file and alternate text to the PromptBuilder.
Public methodAppendBookmarkAppends a bookmark to the PromptBuilder object.
Public methodAppendBreak()()()()Appends a break to the PromptBuilder object.
Public methodAppendBreak(TimeSpan)Appends a break of the specified duration to the PromptBuilder object.
Public methodAppendBreak(PromptBreak)Appends a break of the specified strength (duration) to the PromptBuilder object.
Public methodAppendPromptBuilderAppends a PromptBuilder object to a PromptBuilder object.
Public methodAppendSsmlAppends the specified XML file containing SSML to the PromptBuilder object.
Public methodAppendSsmlMarkupAppends the specified string containing SSML markup into the PromptBuilder object.
Public methodAppendText(String)Specifies text to append to the PromptBuilder object.
Public methodAppendText(String, PromptEmphasis)Appends text to the PromptBuilder object and specifies the degree of emphasis for the text.
Public methodAppendText(String, PromptRate)Appends text to the PromptBuilder object and specifies the speaking rate for the text.
Public methodAppendText(String, PromptVolume)Appends text to the PromptBuilder object and specifies a volume for the text to be spoken.
Public methodAppendText(String, array<Object>[]()[][])Appends text to the PromptBuilder object and specifies formatting for the text.
Public methodAppendTextWithAliasAppends text to the PromptBuilder object and specifies the alias text to be spoken in place of the appended text.
Public methodAppendTextWithHint(String, SayAs)Appends text to the PromptBuilder object and specifies the content type using a member of the SayAs enumeration.
Public methodAppendTextWithHint(String, String)Appends text to the PromptBuilder object and a String that specifies the content type of the text.
Public methodAppendTextWithPronunciationAppends text to the PromptBuilder object and specifies the pronunciation for the text.
Public methodClearContentClears the content from the PromptBuilder object.
Public methodEndParagraphSpecifies the end of a paragraph in the PromptBuilder object.
Public methodEndSentenceSpecifies the end of a sentence in the PromptBuilder object.
Public methodEndStyleSpecifies the end of a style in the PromptBuilder object.
Public methodEndVoiceSpecifies the end of use of a voice in the PromptBuilder object.
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRemovePromptDatabase
Public methodSetText(String)Replaces the current content in a PromptBuilder object with a string.
Public methodSetText(String, array<Object>[]()[][])Replaces the current content in a PromptBuilder object with a string and specifies formatting for the contents of the string.
Public methodStartParagraph()()()()Specifies the start of a paragraph in the PromptBuilder object.
Public methodStartParagraph(CultureInfo)Specifies the start of a paragraph in the specified culture in the PromptBuilder object.
Public methodStartSentence()()()()Specifies the start of a sentence in the PromptBuilder object.
Public methodStartSentence(CultureInfo)Specifies the start of a sentence in the specified culture in the PromptBuilder object.
Public methodStartStyleSpecifies the start of a style in the PromptBuilder object.
Public methodStartVoice(CultureInfo)Instructs the synthesizer to change the voice in the PromptBuilder object and specifies the culture of the voice to use.
Public methodStartVoice(String)Instructs the synthesizer to change the voice in the PromptBuilder object and specifies the name of the voice to use.
Public methodStartVoice(VoiceGender)Instructs the synthesizer to change the voice in the PromptBuilder object and specifies the gender of the voice to use.
Public methodStartVoice(VoiceInfo)Instructs the synthesizer to change the voice in the PromptBuilder object and specifies criteria for the new voice.
Public methodStartVoice(VoiceGender, VoiceAge)Instructs the synthesizer to change the voice in the PromptBuilder object and specifies the gender and the age of the voice to use.
Public methodStartVoice(VoiceGender, VoiceAge, Int32)Instructs the synthesizer to change the voice in the PromptBuilder object and specifies its gender, age, and a preferred voice that matches the specified gender and age.
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToXmlReturns the SSML generated from the PromptBuilder object.

See Also