StartVoice Method

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

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Instructs the synthesizer to change the voice in a PromptBuilder object.

Overload List

Public methodStartVoice(CultureInfo)Instructs the synthesizer to change the voice in the PromptBuilder object and specifies the culture of the voice to use.
Public methodStartVoice(String)Instructs the synthesizer to change the voice in the PromptBuilder object and specifies the name of the voice to use.
Public methodStartVoice(VoiceGender)Instructs the synthesizer to change the voice in the PromptBuilder object and specifies the gender of the voice to use.
Public methodStartVoice(VoiceInfo)Instructs the synthesizer to change the voice in the PromptBuilder object and specifies criteria for the new voice.
Public methodStartVoice(VoiceGender, VoiceAge)Instructs the synthesizer to change the voice in the PromptBuilder object and specifies the gender and the age of the voice to use.
Public methodStartVoice(VoiceGender, VoiceAge, Int32)Instructs the synthesizer to change the voice in the PromptBuilder object and specifies its gender, age, and a preferred voice that matches the specified gender and age.


Use the GetInstalledVoices()()()() methods and VoiceInfo class to obtain the names and attributes of installed text-to-speech (TTS) voices that you can select. When an application calls GetInstalledVoices()()()(), the method verifies that each of the voices it finds in the registry meets certain minimum criteria. For any voice that fails verification, GetInstalledVoices()()()() sets its Enabled property to False. An application cannot call any of the StartVoice()()()() methods on a voice whose Enabled property is False. Typically, applications will not set a voice's Enabled property.

See Also