ISpeechRecoResultTimes TickCount Property (Microsoft Speech Platform)

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

Microsoft Speech Platform

Interface: ISpeechRecoResultTimes

TickCount Property

The TickCount property returns the elapsed time from the start of the system to the start of the current result.

It is specified in millisecond units. The TickCount returns zero if the wave file input is used.


Set: (This property is read-only)
Get: Long = ISpeechRecoResultTimes.TickCount


The owning object.
Set: (This property is read-only)
Get: A Variant type containing the elapsed time


When a recognition occurs with RecoResult, the TickCount can be extracted to determine the absolute time for the computer system. It is more accurate than retrieving the clock values.


Use of the ISpeechRecoResultTimes object is demonstrated in a code example at the end of this section.