AudioSignalProblemOccurredEventArgs Class

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

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Provides data for the AudioSignalProblemOccurred event.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Microsoft.Speech.Recognition
Assembly:  Microsoft.Speech (in Microsoft.Speech.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Class AudioSignalProblemOccurredEventArgs _
	Inherits EventArgs
Visual Basic (Usage)
Dim instance As AudioSignalProblemOccurredEventArgs
public class AudioSignalProblemOccurredEventArgs : EventArgs


An instance of AudioSignalProblemOccurredEventArgs is created when the SpeechRecognitionEngine object raises the AudioSignalProblemOccurred event. To obtain information related to the AudioSignalProblemOccurred event, access the following properties in the handler for the event:

The AudioPosition property references the input device's position in its generated audio stream. By contrast, the RecognizerAudioPosition property references the recognizer's position within its audio input. These positions can be different. For more information, see Use Speech Recognition Events (Microsoft.Speech).

The AudioSignalProblem property indicates which problem occurred.

AudioSignalProblemOccurredEventArgs derives from EventArgs.


The following example defines an event handler that gathers information about an AudioSignalProblemOccurred event.

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private SpeechRecognitionEngine sre;

// Initialize the speech recognition engine.
private void Initialize()
  sre = new SpeechRecognitionEngine();

  // Add a handler for the AudioSignalProblemOccurred event.
  sre.AudioSignalProblemOccurred += new EventHandler<AudioSignalProblemOccurredEventArgs>(sre_AudioSignalProblemOccurred);

// Gather information when the AudioSignalProblemOccurred event is raised.
void sre_AudioSignalProblemOccurred(object sender, AudioSignalProblemOccurredEventArgs e)
  StringBuilder details = new StringBuilder();

  details.AppendLine("Audio signal problem information:");
    " Audio level:               {0}" + Environment.NewLine +
    " Audio position:            {1}" + Environment.NewLine +
    " Audio signal problem:      {2}" + Environment.NewLine +
    " Recognition engine audio position: {3}" + Environment.NewLine,
    e.AudioLevel, e.AudioPosition,  e.AudioSignalProblem,

  // Insert additional event handler code here.

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.

See Also