Contains information about the pronunciation lexicon document in a metadata schema.
XML | ![]() |
<metadata>...</metadata> |
The metadata element may be located either before or after the meta element, but must occur before all lexeme elements contained within the root lexicon element.
The metadata element is a container in which authors can place information about the document using a metadata schema. Authors can use any metadata schema. However, the Pronunciation Lexicon Specification (PLS) Version 1.0 recommends that authors use the Resource Description Format (RDF) schema in conjunction with the general metadata properties (for example, Title, Creator, Subject, Description, and Copyrights) defined in the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.
XML | ![]() |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <lexicon version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/01/pronunciation-lexicon" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.w3.org/2005/01/pronunciation-lexicon http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/CR-pronunciation-lexicon-20071212/pls.xsd" alphabet="ipa" xml:lang="en-US"> <metadata> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:dc = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <!-- Metadata about the PLS document --> <rdf:Description rdf:about="" dc:title="Pronunciation lexicon for W3C terms" dc:description="Common pronunciations for many W3C acronyms and abbreviations, i.e. I18N or WAI" dc:publisher="W3C" dc:date="2005-11-29" dc:rights="Copyright 2002 W3C" dc:format="application/pls+xml"> <dc:creator>The W3C Voice Browser Working Group</dc:creator> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> </metadata> <!-- Begin adding lexemes here. --> </lexicon> |