Helper SPFEI (Microsoft Speech Platform)

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

Microsoft Speech Platform


SPFEI casts a specified value into a 64-bit type.

For a list of the supported SPEI_ord event types, see SPEVENTENUM

Found in: sapi.idl

   void   *SPEI_ord


[in, out] The value to re-cast. The new value is passed back.

Return values

No error code is returned.

Related Helper Macros

Macro Description
SPFEI_FLAGCHECK Retrieves reserved flags for the event interest enum. 
SPEI_ALL_EVENTS Retrieves all possible events flags.
SPFEI_ALL_TTS_EVENTS Retrieves all possible TTS event flags.
SPFEI_ALL_SR_EVENTS Retrieves all possible SR event flags.


The SPFEI_FLAGCHECK macro retrieves the flags that must always be included in any event interest. SAPI uses the SPFEI_FLAGCHECK macro to help developers avoid mistakes by using event interest related methods (see ISpEventSource::SetInterest and ISpRecoContext::SetVoicePurgeEvent) with the actual enumeration instead of the SPFEI() macro.


Here is an example of the SPFEI macro used to set SR event interest


Here is an example of the SPFEI_ALL_SR_EVENTS macro used to set SR event interest in all events. Note this is an example and not recommended practice.

hr = g_cpRecoCtxt->SetInterest(SPFEI_ALL_SR_EVENTS, SPFEI_ALL_SR_EVENTS);