Grammar Members

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

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A runtime object that references a speech recognition grammar, which an application can use to define the constraints for speech recognition.

The Grammar type exposes the following members.


Public methodGrammar(Stream)Initializes a new instance of the Grammar class from a Stream.
Public methodGrammar(String)Initializes a new instance of the Grammar class from a file.
Public methodGrammar(GrammarBuilder)Initializes a new instance of the Grammar class from a GrammarBuilder object.
Public methodGrammar(GrammarInfo)Creates a new instance of the Grammar class from a GrammarInfo instance.
Public methodGrammar(SrgsDocument)Initializes a new instance of the Grammar class from an SrgsDocument object.
Public methodGrammar(Stream, String)Initializes a new instance of the Grammar class from a Stream and specifies a root rule.
Public methodGrammar(String, String)Initializes a new instance of the Grammar class from a file and specifies a root rule.
Public methodGrammar(SrgsDocument, String)Initializes a new instance of a Grammar class from an SrgsDocument object and specifies a root rule.
Public methodGrammar(Stream, String, Uri)Initializes a new instance of the Grammar class from a stream, specifies a root rule, and defines a base Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) to resolve relative rule references.
Public methodGrammar(String, String, Uri)Initializes a new instance of the Grammar class from a file, specifies a root rule, and defines a base Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) to resolve relative rule references.
Public methodGrammar(SrgsDocument, String, Uri)Initializes a new instance of a Grammar class from an SrgsDocument object, specifies a root rule, and defines a base Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) to resolve relative rule references.


Public propertyEnabledGets or sets a value that controls whether a Grammar can be used by a recognition engine to perform recognition.
Public propertyLoadedGets whether a Grammar has been loaded by a recognition engine.
Public propertyNameGets or sets the name of a Grammar object.
Public propertyPriorityGets or sets the priority value of a Grammar object.
Public propertyRuleNameGets the identifier of the root rule or entry point rule of a Grammar instance.
Public propertyWeightGets or sets the weight value of a Grammar object.


Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsPronounceableGets whether the SpeechRecognitionEngine can pronounce the word and where the word's pronunciation is defined.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)


Public eventSpeechRecognizedRaised when a SpeechRecognitionEngine instance performs recognition using the Grammar object.

See Also