SrgsDocument Constructor

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

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Initializes a new instance of the SrgsDocument class.

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Public methodSrgsDocument()()()()Initializes a new instance of the SrgsDocument class.
Public methodSrgsDocument(String)Initializes a new instance of the SrgsDocument class specifying the location of the XML document that is used to fill in the SrgsDocument instance.
Public methodSrgsDocument(XmlReader)Initializes a new instance of the SrgsDocument class from an instance of XmlReader that references an XML-format grammar file.
Public methodSrgsDocument(GrammarBuilder)Initializes a new instance of the SrgsDocument class from a GrammarBuilder object.
Public methodSrgsDocument(SrgsRule)Initializes a new instance of the SrgsDocument class and specifies an SrgsRule object to be the root rule of the grammar.


Using the constructors for the SrgsDocument class, you can create an instance of SrgsDocument from a GrammarBuilder, SrgsRule, or XmlReader object, from a string that contains the path to an XML-format grammar, or you can initiate a blank instance of SrgsDocument.

See Also