This is a listing and cross reference of the diacritic phones that are used by the three phonetic alphabets that Microsoft.Speech supports. See Phonetic Alphabet Reference (Microsoft.Speech).
The table columns contain the following information:
UPS. The phone label specified in Microsoft's Universal Phone Set (UPS).
IPA. The phone label specified in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) phone set.
Unicode. The Unicode value from the IPA phone set.
SAPI ID. The Speech API (SAPI) phone ID, which in most cases is the Unicode value.
IPA Description. This column describes the features of the phone, such as place of articulation, manner of articulation, phonation type, and airstream mechanism. See the Glossary of Phonetic Terms (Microsoft.Speech) for more information about the features of phones.
ipaASCII. The equivalent phone in ipaASCII phone set for reference.
X-SAMPA. The equivalent phone in X-SAMPA for reference.
Diacritic Phones
Diacritics are used to modify segmental phones (vowels, consonants, clicks, and ejectives) with additional phonetic detail. A diacritic cannot stand-alone. Diacritics must modify the preceding segmental phone. Any number of diacritics can follow a segmental symbol.
UPS | IPA | Unicode | SAPI ID | IPA Description | IPA-ASCII | X-SAMPA |
+ | U+0361 | 0361 | tie bar | |||
adv | o̟ | U+031F | 031F | Advanced | _+ | |
api | t̺ | U+033A | 033A | Apical | _a | |
asp | tʰ | U+02B0 | 02B0 | Aspirated | <h> {asp} | _h |
atr | e̘ | U+0318 | 0318 | Advanced tongue root | _A | |
bvd | b̤ | U+0324 | 0324 | Breathy voiced | _t | |
cen | ë | U+0308 | 0308 | Centralized | _" | |
cvd | b̰ | U+0330 | 0330 | Creaky voiced | _k | |
den | t̪ | U+032A | 032A | Dental | [ / {dnt} | _d |
ejc | pʼ | U+02BC | 02BC | Ejective | {ejc} | _> |
lab | tʷ | U+02B7 | 02B7 | Labialised | <w> {lzd} | _w |
lam | t̻ | U+033B | 033B | Laminal | _m | |
lar | dˡ | U+02E1 | 02E1 | Lateral release | _l | |
lla | n̼ | U+033C | 033C | Linguolabial | _N | |
low | e̞ | U+031E | 031E | Lowered | _o | |
lrd | o̜ | U+031C | 031C | Less rounded | _c | |
mcn | e̽ | U+033D | 033D | Mid-centralized | ||
mrd | o̹ | U+0339 | 0339 | More rounded | _O | |
nar | d̚ | U+031A | 031A | No audible release | _} | |
nas | ñ | U+0303 | 0303 | Nasalized | ~ / <nzd> | ~ / _~ |
nsr | oⁿ | U+207F | 207F | Nasal release | _n | |
nsy | n̯ | U+032F | 032F | Non-syllabic | _^ | |
pal | tʲ | U+02B2 | 02B2 | Palatalized | ; / {pzd} | ' |
phr | nˤ | U+02E4 | 02E4 | Pharyngealized | _?\ | |
rai | e̝ | U+031D | 031D | Raised | _r | |
ret | o̱ | U+0331 | 0331 | Retracted | _- | |
rho | ə˞ | U+02DE | 02DE | Rhoticity | ` | |
rtr | e̙ | U+0319 | 0319 | Retracted tongue root | _q | |
rtr | e̙ | U+0319 | 0319 | Retracted tongue root | _q | |
syl | n̩ | U+0329 | 0329 | Syllabic | {syl} | = / _= |
vcd | s̬ | U+032C | 032C | Voiced | _v | |
vel | tˠ | U+02E0 | 02E0 | Velarized | {vzd} | _G |
vls | n̊ | U+030A | 030A | Voiceless | _0 | |
vph | l̴ | U+0334 | 0334 | Velarized or pharyngealized | {fzd} | _e |