SpeechRecognitionEngine Properties

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

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The SpeechRecognitionEngine type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAudioFormatGets the format of the audio being received by the SpeechRecognitionEngine.
Public propertyAudioLevelGets the level of the audio being received by the SpeechRecognitionEngine.
Public propertyAudioPositionGets the current location in the audio stream being generated by the device that is providing input to the SpeechRecognitionEngine.
Public propertyAudioStateGets the state of the audio being received by the SpeechRecognitionEngine.
Public propertyBabbleTimeoutGets or sets the interval of time that a SpeechRecognitionEngine accepts input containing only background noise before finalizing recognition.
Public propertyEndSilenceTimeoutGets or sets the interval of silence that the SpeechRecognitionEngine will accept at the end of unambiguous input before finalizing a recognition operation.
Public propertyEndSilenceTimeoutAmbiguousGets or sets the interval of silence that the SpeechRecognitionEngine will accept at the end of ambiguous input before finalizing a recognition operation.
Public propertyGrammarsGets a collection of the Grammar objects that are loaded in this SpeechRecognitionEngine instance.
Public propertyInitialSilenceTimeoutGets or sets the time interval during which a SpeechRecognitionEngine accepts input containing only silence before finalizing recognition.
Public propertyMaxAlternatesGets or sets the maximum number of alternate recognition results that the SpeechRecognitionEngine returns for each recognition operation.
Public propertyNormalizerCollectionGets the normalizer collection.
Public propertyRecognizerAudioPositionGets the current location of the SpeechRecognitionEngine in the audio input that it is processing.
Public propertyRecognizerInfoGets information about the current instance of SpeechRecognitionEngine.

See Also