AppendSsmlMarkup Method

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

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Appends the specified string containing SSML markup into the PromptBuilder object.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Speech.Synthesis
Assembly:  Microsoft.Speech (in Microsoft.Speech.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Sub AppendSsmlMarkup ( _
	ssmlMarkup As String _
Visual Basic (Usage)
Dim instance As PromptBuilder
Dim ssmlMarkup As String

public void AppendSsmlMarkup(
	string ssmlMarkup


Type: System..::..String

A string containing SSML markup.


You must use the appropriate escape characters when appending SSML markup. Notice the backward-slashes preceding the quotation marks enclosing the value of the interpret-as attribute in the following example:

C# Copy imageCopy Code
builder.AppendSsmlMarkup("<say-as interpret-as = \"characters\"> chair </say-as>");

The string used as an argument to AppendSsmlMarkup(String) cannot include a speak element.

When using AppendSsmlMarkup(String) to specify inline pronunciations in a phoneme element, you can use phones from any of the following phonetic alphabets, provided that the current speech engine supports it:

  • International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)

  • Universal Phone Set (UPS)

  • SAPI Phone Set

Any SSML-compliant speech engine will speak phones from the IPA.

You can also append a file containing SSML markup using the AppendSsml(XmlReader) method. To append text to be spoken that is not formatted with markup language, use one of the AppendText()()()(), AppendTextWithAlias(String, String), AppendTextWithHint()()()(), or AppendTextWithPronunciation(String, String) methods.

See Also