DetachTo (Microsoft Speech Platform)

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

Microsoft Speech Platform


CSpStreamFormat::DetachTo copies the instance's stream and frees (or detaches) the instance's stream. The instance's stream is set to NULL and the format ID is set to zero.

Copies the instance's stream to another existing stream.

void DetachTo(
   CSpStreamFormat   &Other


The existing stream to copy to. The stream is freed using CoTaskMemFree() first and the instance is then copied to it.

Makes a copy of the instance's stream with the specified format ID and wave format.

void DetachTo(
   GUID            *pFormatId,
   WAVEFORMATEX   **ppCoMemWaveFormatEx


The new format ID based on the class member m_guidFormatId.
The new wave format based on the class member m_pCoMemWaveFormatEx.

Return values

Neither method returns a value.