Addition Operator

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

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Creates a new GrammarBuilder that corresponds to a sequence of two grammar elements.

Overload List

  Name Description
Public operator Static member Addition(String, GrammarBuilder) Creates a new GrammarBuilder that contains a phrase followed by a GrammarBuilder.
Public operator Static member Addition(Choices, GrammarBuilder) Creates a new GrammarBuilder that contains a Choices object followed by a GrammarBuilder object.
Public operator Static member Addition(GrammarBuilder, Choices) Creates a new GrammarBuilder that contains a GrammarBuilder followed by a Choices.
Public operator Static member Addition(GrammarBuilder, GrammarBuilder) Creates a new GrammarBuilder that contains a sequence of two GrammarBuilder objects.
Public operator Static member Addition(GrammarBuilder, String) Creates a new GrammarBuilder that contains a GrammarBuilder followed by a phrase.


The order of the operands determines the order of the elements in the new GrammarBuilder.

Important note Important

Caution is recommended when combining Choices or GrammarBuilder objects that contain SemanticResultValue or SemanticResultKey instances with other grammar elements. The speech recognizer can throw an exception when using a speech recognition grammar that contains duplicate semantic elements with the same key name or multiple semantic elements that could repeatedly modify the value of the same semantic element. For more information about building a speech recognition grammar that contains semantic information, see Add Semantics to a GrammarBuilder Grammar (Microsoft.Speech).

For more information about building and using speech recognition grammars, see Speech Recognition (Microsoft.Speech) and Create Grammars Using GrammarBuilder (Microsoft.Speech).

See Also