Simulator Results Analyzer detects errors in input files and generates messages with the following information.
File name (if applicable)
Number of the line that contains the error (if applicable)
Message type: Error, Warning, or Info
Error code (if applicable)
Error description
Execution continues until all available input files have been processed or until a fatal error has been encountered. If errors are encountered Simulator Results Analyzer returns EXIT_FAILURE (1). Upon successful completion, with no errors, the tool returns EXIT_SUCCESS (0).
The following table describes how Simulator Results Analyzer responds to error and warning conditions.
Condition | Type | Description and Simulator Results Analyzer Behavior |
No Input File Specified | Error | At least one input file must be specified. Execution halts, tool exits. |
No Output File Specified | Error | An output file must be specified. Execution halts, tool exits. |
Cannot Open Output File '%s' | Error | The output file was found but could not be opened. Execution halts, tool exits. |
No Input | Error | Cannot open any input files. Execution halts, tool exits. |
Write Error: cannot write to '%s' | Error | The simulator results analyzer could not write to the output file. Execution halts, tool exits. |
Malformed Semantic Path | Error | Improperly formed XPath specified in the /semanticPath option. Execution halts, tool exits. |
Cannot Open Input File '%s' | Warning | An input file could not be opened. Improperly formed XPath. Execution continues. |
Reco Error Encountered: Utterance Skipped | Warning | An utterance in the input file caused a recognition error and was skipped. Execution continues. |
Example Error Messages
SimulatorResultsAnalyzer : Error: No Input File Specified
C:\myfiles\input.xml : Error : Write Error: Cannot write to "g:\myshare\output.xml"
C:\myfiles\input.xml (352) : Warning : Reco Error Encountered : Utterance Skipped
Incorrectly Typed Input File Name
SimulatorResultsAnalyzer /In myimputfile.xml /Out myoutputfile.xml /SemanticPath "/City"
SimulatorResultsAnalyzer : Warning: Cannot open Input File 'myimputfile.xml'
SimulatorResultsAnalyzer : Error: No Input
Processed 0/1 input files.
1 Errors, 1 Warnings.
Processing Complete.
Unmatched Wildcard on Input File
> SimulatorResultsAnalyzer /In *.xml /Out myoutputfile.xml /SemanticPath "City"
SimulatorResultsAnalyzer : Warning: Cannot open Input File '*.xml'
SimulatorResultsAnalyzer : Error: No Input
Processed 0/1 input files.
1 Errors, 1 Warnings.
Processing Complete.
Incorrectly Typed Input File Name (Multiple Input Files)
> SimulatorResultsAnalyzer /In input1.xml imput2.xml input3.xml /Out myoutputfile.xml /SemanticPath "City"
inputfile1.xml: 34 utterances processed
SimulatorResultsAnalyzer : Warning: Cannot open Input File 'imput2.xml'
inputfile3.xml: 287 utterances processed
Processed 2/3 input files.
0 Errors, 1 Warnings.
Processing Complete.