RecognitionResult Properties

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

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The RecognitionResult type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAlternatesGets the collection of possible matches for input to the speech recognizer.
Public propertyAudioGets the audio associated with the recognition result.
Public propertyConfidenceGets a value, assigned by the recognizer, that represents the likelihood that a RecognizedPhrase matches a given input. (Inherited from RecognizedPhrase.)
Public propertyGrammarGets the Grammar object that the speech recognizer used to return the RecognizedPhrase. (Inherited from RecognizedPhrase.)
Public propertyHomophoneGroupIdInfrastructure. Gets the identifier for the homophone group for the phrase. (Inherited from RecognizedPhrase.)
Public propertyHomophonesGets a collection of the recognition alternates that have the same pronunciation as this recognized phrase. (Inherited from RecognizedPhrase.)
Public propertyReplacementWordUnitsGets information about the text that the speech recognizer changed as part of speech-to-text normalization. (Inherited from RecognizedPhrase.)
Public propertySemanticsGets the semantic information that is associated with the recognized phrase. (Inherited from RecognizedPhrase.)
Public propertyTextGets the normalized text generated by a speech recognition engine from recognized input. (Inherited from RecognizedPhrase.)
Public propertyWordsGets the words generated by a speech recognizer from recognized input. (Inherited from RecognizedPhrase.)

See Also