PromptVolume Enumeration

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

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Enumerates values for volume levels (loudness) in prompts.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Speech.Synthesis
Assembly:  Microsoft.Speech (in Microsoft.Speech.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Enumeration PromptVolume
Visual Basic (Usage)
Dim instance As PromptVolume
public enum PromptVolume


Member nameDescription
NotSetIndicates that the volume level is not set.
SilentIndicates a muted volume level.
ExtraSoftIndicates an extra soft volume level.
SoftIndicates a soft volume level.
MediumIndicates a medium volume level.
LoudIndicates a loud volume level.
ExtraLoudIndicates an extra loud volume level.
DefaultIndicates the engine-specific default volume level.


Members of the PromptVolume enumeration are used by the PromptStyle(PromptVolume) constructor, by the AppendText(String, PromptVolume) method, and by the StartStyle(PromptStyle) method to specify the volume level for spoken text. The Volume property gets the volume for a PromptStyle object using a PromptVolume instance.

See Also