ISpRecoGrammar2::SetSMLSecurityManager (Microsoft Speech Platform)

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

Microsoft Speech Platform


ISpRecoGrammar2::SetSMLSecurityManager lets a SAPI application manage its own security policy.

By default, SAPI uses Windows' URLMON to determine the security rights of semantic interpretation scripts in SRGS grammars. However, an application may desire to override this with its own security policy, by implementing their own IInternetSecurityManager interface. IInternetSecurityManager is defined by URLMON.

HRESULT SetSMLSecurityManager(
   IInternetSecurityManager    *pSMLSecurityManager


The pointer to the application's implementation of the IInternetSecurityManager interface.

Return values

Value Description
S_OK Function completed successfully.
E_POINTER pSMLSecurityManager is invalid.
SPERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_SHARED_RECOGNIZER The method called is not supported for the shared recognizer.
E_NOTIMPL The interface is not implemented.