ISpProperties::SetPropertyString (Microsoft Speech Platform)

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

Microsoft Speech Platform


ISpProperties::SetPropertyString sets a text property corresponding to the specified name.

HRESULT SetPropertyString(
   LPCWSTR                                            *pName,
   [annotation("__deref_out"), out, string] LPCWSTR   *pValue


[in, string] Null-terminated string containing the property name.
[in, string] Null-terminated string containing the property value.

Return values

Value Description
S_OK Function completed successfully.
S_FALSE SR engine does not support specified property name.
E_INVALIDARG One or more parameters are invalid.
FAILED(hr) SR engine returned specific error.


If the SR engine supports the property, SAPI will fire a property-changed event (see SPEI_PROPERTY_STRING_CHANGE) to all interested recognizer contexts (ISpRecoContext). Broadcasting the corresponding event notifies any recognizer contexts that had interests in the property (see CSpEvent::PropertyName and CSpEvent::PropertyStringValue).