ConstructSmlFromSemantics Method

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

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Returns a semantic markup language (SML) document for the semantic information in the RecognizedPhrase object.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Speech.Recognition
Assembly:  Microsoft.Speech (in Microsoft.Speech.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Function ConstructSmlFromSemantics As IXPathNavigable
Visual Basic (Usage)
Dim instance As RecognizedPhrase
Dim returnValue As IXPathNavigable

returnValue = instance.ConstructSmlFromSemantics()
public IXPathNavigable ConstructSmlFromSemantics()

Return Value

Type: System.Xml.XPath..::..IXPathNavigable

Returns an SML description of the semantics of the RecognizedPhrase as an XPath navigable object.


In the following example, a method returns a string that contains the SML for the semantics of a recognized phrase.

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private string GetSemanticsSML(RecognizedPhrase result)
  if (result.Semantics.Count > 0)
    return result.ConstructSmlFromSemantics().CreateNavigator().OuterXml;
    return null;

See Also