Grammar Constructor (SrgsDocument)

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

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Initializes a new instance of the Grammar class from an SrgsDocument object.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Speech.Recognition
Assembly:  Microsoft.Speech (in Microsoft.Speech.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Sub New ( _
	srgsDocument As SrgsDocument _
Visual Basic (Usage)
Dim srgsDocument As SrgsDocument

Dim instance As New Grammar(srgsDocument)
public Grammar(
	SrgsDocument srgsDocument


Type: Microsoft.Speech.Recognition.SrgsGrammar..::..SrgsDocument

The constraints for the speech recognition grammar.



Thrown when one or more values in srgsDocument are invalid.

Thrown when the SrgsDocument specified by srgsDocument does not contain a root rule ruleName.


The srgsDocument argument

  • Must never be nullNothingnullptrunita null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).

  • Must contain a root rule.

To create a Grammar object from a SrgsDocument object and specify a root rule, use the Grammar(SrgsDocument, String) or Grammar(SrgsDocument, String, Uri) constructor.

As there is no Base URI specified, any rule references must:

  • Use absolute URIs.

  • Target rules within the grammar being loaded.

  • Use any paths defined in the grammar object being loaded.

To create a Grammar object from an SrgsDocument and specify a base URI to use to resolve relative rule references, use the Grammar(SrgsDocument, String, Uri) constructor.


The following example creates a speech recognition grammar in an SrgsDocument instance, which is then used to construct a Grammar object.

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private static Grammar CreateSrgsDocumentGrammar()
  // Create the SrgsDocument.
  SrgsDocument document = new SrgsDocument();

  // Create the Cities rule and add it to the document.
  SrgsRule citiesRule = new SrgsRule("Cities");

  SrgsOneOf cityChoice = new SrgsOneOf();
  cityChoice.Add(new SrgsItem("Seattle"));
  cityChoice.Add(new SrgsItem("Los Angeles"));
  cityChoice.Add(new SrgsItem("New York"));
  cityChoice.Add(new SrgsItem("Miami"));


  // Create the Main rule and add it to the document.
  SrgsRule mainRule = new SrgsRule("Main");
  mainRule.Scope = SrgsRuleScope.Public;

  SrgsItem item = new SrgsItem("I would like to fly from");
  item.Add(new SrgsRuleRef(citiesRule));
  item.Add(new SrgsText(" to "));
  item.Add(new SrgsRuleRef(citiesRule));


  // Set the root rule.
  document.Root = mainRule;

  // Create the Grammar object.
  Grammar citiesGrammar = new Grammar(document);
  citiesGrammar.Name = "SrgsDocument Cities Grammar";

  return citiesGrammar;

See Also