Grammars are at the core of speech recognition and are perhaps the most important component under control of the speech application developer that affects the accuracy of speech recognition. Grammars work in conjunction with the speech recognition engine and its lexicons and speech models to define the factors that affect speech recognition performance.
The Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11 provides programmatic processes for authoring speech recognition grammars and also offers support for XML-format grammars authored in compliance with industry standards.
You can create speech recognition grammars in the Speech Platform SDK 11 using any of the following processes:
Create Dynamic Grammars Programmatically
Author grammars programmatically using members of the GrammarBuilder and Choices classes in the Microsoft.Speech.Recognition namespace.
Use constructors and methods on classes in the Microsoft.Speech.Recognition.SrgsGrammar namespace to programmatically create SRGS-compliant grammars.
Create Static Grammars as Files
Use XML to create grammar documents that conform to the Speech Recognition Grammar Specification (SRGS) Version 1.0, the W3C standard for speech recognition grammars.