Browser.CallProxy Members

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

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The Browser class in the Microsoft.Speech.VoiceXml namespace provides platform-independent access to the VoiceXML runtime.

The Browser..::..CallProxy type exposes the following members.


Protected methodBrowser..::..CallProxy
Creates a new instance of the CallProxy object.


Protected methodBeginAccept
Accepts an incoming call.
Protected methodBeginTerminate
Terminates the call. A terminated call is no longer usable.
Protected methodBeginTransfer(String, AsyncCallback, Object)
Initiates a transfer request to the remote participant.
Protected methodBeginTransfer(String, Boolean, AsyncCallback, Object)
Initiates a transfer request to the remote participant.
Protected methodBeginTransferSupervised
Initiates a supervised transfer request to the remote participant.
Protected methodEndAccept
This method is used to determine whether the corresponding operation completed successfully. This method will wait if the operation has not yet completed.
Protected methodEndTerminate
This method is used to determine whether the corresponding operation completed successfully. This method will wait if the operation has not yet completed.
Protected methodEndTransfer
The EndTransfer method is used to determine whether the corresponding operation completed successfully. This method will wait if the operation has not yet completed.
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodNotifyOpenCompleted
Raises an OpenCompleted event.
Protected methodNotifyRecorderStopped
Raises a RecorderStopped event.
Protected methodNotifyStateChanged
Raises a StateChanged event.
Protected methodNotifyToneReceived
Raises a ToneReceived event.
Protected methodNotifyTransferStateChanged
Raises a TransferStateChanged event.
Protected methodOpenAsync
Accepts an incoming telephony session invite and sends a response.
Protected methodStartRecording
Begins recording audio input from the call.
Protected methodStopRecording
Stops recording audio.
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)


Protected propertyCallId
Gets the CallID of the current call.
Protected propertyLocalParticipantUri
Gets the URI of the local call.
Protected propertyRecorderState
Gets the state of the Recorder.
Protected propertyRemoteParticipantUri
Gets the URI of the remote call.
Protected propertyState
Gets the current call state.
Protected propertyTargetSip
Gets and sets the SIP for call transfers.
Protected propertyTransferTypeRequested
Gets the transfer type of the requested transfer.

See Also