Browser Methods

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

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The Browser type exposes the following members.


Public methodDispose()()()()
Disposes the Browser object and releases native resources.
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Disposes the Browser object and releases resources used during the session.
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnDisconnected
Raises a Disconnected event during an asynchronous Browser session.
Protected methodOnDisconnecting
Raises a Disconnecting event during an asynchronous Browser session.
Protected methodOnSessionCompleted
Raises a SessionCompleted event during an asynchronous Browser session.
Protected methodOnTransferred(Object, TransferredEventArgs)
Raises a Transferred event during an asynchronous Browser session.
Protected methodOnTransferred(Object, String, TransferType, TransferState)
Provides information about the TargetSip, the type()()()(), and the state()()()() for a Transferred event during an asynchronous Browser session.
Protected methodOnTransferring(Object, TransferringEventArgs)
Raises a Transferring event during an asynchronous Browser session.
Protected methodOnTransferring(Object, String, TransferType, TransferState)
Provides information about the TargetSip, the type()()()(), and the state()()()() for a Transferring event during an asynchronous Browser session.
Public methodRun
Launches a synchronous instance of the VoiceXML Browser and specifies the URI of the VoiceXML start page to load, and a CookieContainer parameter.
Public methodRunAsync
Launches an asynchronous instance of the VoiceXML Browser, specifying the URI of the VoiceXML start page to load, and a CookieContainer parameter.
Protected methodSetCallProxy
Associates a VoiceXML Browser session with a Browser..::..CallProxy object.
Protected methodSetInputToAudioStream
Assigns a specific audio stream as the input for the speech recognition engine.
Protected methodSetInputToDefaultAudioDevice
Assigns the system default audio input device as the input to the speech recognition engine.
Protected methodSetInputToNull
Assigns a null device as the input to the speech recognition engine.
Protected methodSetInputToWaveFile
Assigns a specific .WAV format audio file as input to the speech recognition engine.
Protected methodSetInputToWaveStream
Assigns an audio stream in .WAV format as input to the speech recognition engine.
Protected methodSetOutputToAudioStream
Assigns a specific audio stream as the output of the speech synthesizer.
Protected methodSetOutputToDefaultAudioDevice
Assigns the system default audio output device as the output of the speech synthesizer.
Protected methodSetOutputToNull
Assigns a null device as the output of the speech synthesizer.
Protected methodSetOutputToWaveFile
Assigns a specific .WAV format audio file as the output of the speech synthesizer.
Protected methodSetOutputToWaveStream
Assigns an audio stream in .WAV format as output of the speech synthesizer.
Public methodStopAsync
Terminates the processing of a VoiceXML page, but allows the Browser to finish processing the current VoiceXML element.
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)

See Also