SpObjectTokenCategory Default Property (Microsoft Speech Platform)

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

Microsoft Speech Platform

Object: SpObjectTokenCategory

Default Property

The Default property gets and sets the ID of the default token in the category.

The ID of the object is the path to its folder within the Speech configuration database.

Each category of object tokens has a default token, which represents the default resource of that category. The Default property of the voice category, for example, is the ID of the default system voice.


Set: SpObjectTokenCategory.Default = String
Get: String = SpObjectTokenCategory.Default


The owning object.
Set: A String variable that sets the property.
Get: A String variable that gets the property.


Please see the code example for the SetId method. This code creates a new SpObjectTokenCategory object and associates it with the category of voices. The Default property then returns the ID of the default system voice.