| Name | Description |
| AddLexicon | Adds a lexicon to the SpeechSynthesizer object. |
| Dispose | Disposes the SpeechSynthesizer object and releases resources used during the session. |
| Equals | (Inherited from Object.) |
| Finalize | Acts as a safeguard to clean up resources in the event that the Dispose()()()() method is not called. (Overrides Object..::..Finalize()()()().) |
| GetCurrentlySpokenPrompt | Gets the contents of the prompt that the SpeechSynthesizer is speaking. |
| GetHashCode | (Inherited from Object.) |
| GetInstalledVoices()()()() | Returns all of the installed speech synthesis (text-to-speech) voices. |
| GetInstalledVoices(CultureInfo) | Returns all of the installed speech synthesis (text-to-speech) voices that support a specific locale. |
| GetType | (Inherited from Object.) |
| MemberwiseClone | (Inherited from Object.) |
| Pause | Pauses the speaking of a prompt by a SpeechSynthesizer object. |
| RemoveLexicon | Removes a lexicon from the SpeechSynthesizer object. |
| Resume | Resumes the speaking of a prompt by the SpeechSynthesizer object after it has been paused. |
| SelectVoice | Selects a specific voice by name. |
| SelectVoiceByHints(VoiceGender) | Selects a voice with a specific gender. |
| SelectVoiceByHints(VoiceGender, VoiceAge) | Selects a voice with a specific gender and age. |
| SelectVoiceByHints(VoiceGender, VoiceAge, Int32) | Selects a voice with a specific gender and age, based on the position in which the voices are ordered. |
| SelectVoiceByHints(VoiceGender, VoiceAge, Int32, CultureInfo) | Selects a voice with a specific gender, age, and locale, based on the position in which the voices are ordered. |
| SetOutputToAudioStream | Configures the SpeechSynthesizer object to append output to a stream that contains Waveform format audio. |
| SetOutputToDefaultAudioDevice | Configures the SpeechSynthesizer object to send output to the default audio device for the system. |
| SetOutputToNull | Configures the SpeechSynthesizer object to not send output from synthesis operations to a device, file, or stream. |
| SetOutputToWaveFile(String) | Configures the SpeechSynthesizer object to append output to a file that contains Waveform format audio. |
| SetOutputToWaveFile(String, SpeechAudioFormatInfo) | Configures the SpeechSynthesizer object to append output to a Waveform audio format file in a specified format. |
| SetOutputToWaveStream | Configures the SpeechSynthesizer object to append output to a stream that contains Waveform format audio. |
| Skip | Skips the specified amount of time in a prompt. |
| Speak(String) | Synchronously speaks the contents of a string. |
| Speak(Prompt) | Synchronously speaks the contents of a Prompt object. |
| Speak(PromptBuilder) | Synchronously speaks the contents of a PromptBuilder object. |
| SpeakAsync(String) | Asynchronously speaks the contents of a string. |
| SpeakAsync(Prompt) | Asynchronously speaks the contents of a Prompt object. |
| SpeakAsync(PromptBuilder) | Asynchronously speaks the contents of a PromptBuilder object. |
| SpeakAsyncCancel | Cancels the asynchronous synthesis operation for a queued prompt. |
| SpeakAsyncCancelAll | Cancels all queued, asynchronous, speech synthesis operations. |
| SpeakSsml | Asynchronously speaks a String that contains SSML markup. |
| SpeakSsmlAsync | Asynchronously speaks a String that contains SSML markup. |
| ToString | (Inherited from Object.) |