AudioPosition Property

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

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Gets the position in the audio stream where speech was detected.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Speech.Recognition
Assembly:  Microsoft.Speech (in Microsoft.Speech.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public ReadOnly Property AudioPosition As TimeSpan
Visual Basic (Usage)
Dim instance As SpeechDetectedEventArgs
Dim value As TimeSpan

value = instance.AudioPosition
public TimeSpan AudioPosition { get; }

Property Value

Type: System..::..TimeSpan

Returns the location of a detected phrase within the speech buffer of a recognition engine.


In the example below, a handler is created for SpeechDetected events which initializes a display every time speech is detected and displays status information, including audio position.

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_recognizer.SpeechDetected +=
  delegate(object sender, SpeechDetectedEventArgs eventArgs) 

    // Clear previous recognition information.
    _audioDeviceStatusLabel.Enabled = true;
    _audioDeviceStatusLabel.Visible = true;
    Utils.DisplayAudioInputFormat(_audioStateLabel, _recognizer);
    Utils.DisplayRecognizerState(_recognizerStateLabel, _recognizer.State);
    Utils.DisplaySpeechDetected(_speechDetectedLabel, eventArgs.AudioPosition);

See Also