Microsoft.Speech.VoiceXml Namespace

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

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Public classBrowser
The Browser class in the Microsoft.Speech.VoiceXml namespace provides platform-independent access to the VoiceXML runtime.
Protected classBrowser..::..CallProxy
The CallProxy class is used by classes that derive from Browser to pass information about calls to the VoiceXML interpreter.


Protected enumerationBrowser..::..CallProxy..::..ProxyCallState
The ProxyCallState enumeration is used to relay information about the current call state.
Protected enumerationBrowser..::..CallProxy..::..ProxyCallStateTransitionReason
Represents the reasons for call state transitions.
Protected enumerationBrowser..::..CallProxy..::..ProxyPageState
Represents the state of an attempt to load a VoiceXML document.
Protected enumerationBrowser..::..CallProxy..::..ProxyRecorderState
Represents the state of the recorder.
Protected enumerationBrowser..::..CallProxy..::..ProxyReferState
Indicates possible states for the signaling session.
Protected enumerationBrowser..::..CallProxy..::..ProxyTransferType
Indicates the type of transfer requested in the VoiceXML document.