The SpWaveFormatEx automation object represents the format of waveform-audio data.
The SpWaveFormatEx object gets and sets the audio format property of the SpAudioFormat object. Please see a code example in the SpAudioFormat GetWaveFormatEx section.
Automation Interface Elements
The SpWaveFormatEx automation object has the following elements:
Properties | Description |
AvgBytesPerSec Property | Gets and sets the required average data-transfer rate for the format tag in bytes per second. |
BitsPerSample Property | Gets and sets the bits per sample for the FormatTag format type. |
BlockAlign Property | Gets and sets the block alignment in bytes. |
Channels Property | Gets and sets the number of channels in the waveform-audio data. |
ExtraData Property | Gets and sets extra format information. |
FormatTag Property | Gets and sets the waveform-audio format type. |
SamplesPerSec Property | Gets and sets the sample rate at which each channel should be played or recorded. |