SpWaveFormatEx Interface (Microsoft Speech Platform)

Microsoft Speech Platform SDK 11

Microsoft Speech Platform


The SpWaveFormatEx automation object represents the format of waveform-audio data.

The SpWaveFormatEx object gets and sets the audio format property of the SpAudioFormat object. Please see a code example in the SpAudioFormat GetWaveFormatEx section.

Automation Interface Elements

The SpWaveFormatEx automation object has the following elements:

Properties Description
AvgBytesPerSec Property Gets and sets the required average data-transfer rate for the format tag in bytes per second.
BitsPerSample Property Gets and sets the bits per sample for the FormatTag format type.
BlockAlign Property Gets and sets the block alignment in bytes.
Channels Property Gets and sets the number of channels in the waveform-audio data.
ExtraData Property Gets and sets extra format information.
FormatTag Property Gets and sets the waveform-audio format type.
SamplesPerSec Property Gets and sets the sample rate at which each channel should be played or recorded.