Update Existing User Defined MAC Table

EPMA Probe


CalcZAF Menu Details > X-Ray

Update Existing User Defined MAC Table

Using a comma, space or tab delimited input file defined below, this menu allows the user to overwrite individual MAC values in the USERMAC.DAT table.


Each line of the user selected input text file allows the user to define mass absorption coefficients for the Ka, Kb, La, Lb, Ma and Mb lines of an emitting element by an absorber. Any non-zero value from the user selected input file will get read and used to update the table value in the USERMAC.DAT MAC table. The default name for the user selected input file is USERMAC.TXT but any text file with the appropriate format can be used.


The format of the input file is a text based comma, space or tab delimited file with the first line containing the column labels. For example:


zMeas zAsorb Ka      Kb      La       Lb       Ma      Mb


The subsequent lines of the file contain the emitting element atomic number, the absorbing element atomic number and the mass absorption coefficients of the Ka, Kb, La, Lb, Ma and Mb lines for the emitting element. An example file is shown here:


zMeas zAsorb Ka      Kb      La       Lb       Ma      Mb

4        12      127000          0        0        0        0        0

5        12      59500  0        0        0        0        0

6        12      23900  0        0        0        0        0

7        12      11000  0        0        0        0        0

8        12      5170   0        0        0        0        0

9        12      2620   0        0        0        0        0

10      12      1405   1327   0        0        0        0

11      12      810     749     0        0        0        0

12      12      488     439     0        0        0        0

13      12      4169   3719   0        0        0        0

14      12      2822   2465   0        0        0        0

15      12      1947   1666   0        0        0        0

16      12      1367   1150   0        0        0        0

17      12      974     804     0        0        0        0

18      12      704     572     0        0        0        0

19      12      515     412     0        0        0        0

20      12      381     301     13720  13345  0        0

21      12      285     222     9682   9430   0        0

22      12      215     166     7039   6824   0        0

23      12      164     126     5189   5004   0        0

24      12      127     96      3902   3749   0        0

25      12      99      74      2972   2844   0        0

26      12      77      58      2290   2184   0        0


In the above example, the file contains emitting x-ray lines from B (4) to Fe (26) as absorbed by Mg (12). Integer or floating point numbers may be used. The program will read and process the input file until the last line is reached.