Program CalcZAF is a small utility program for stand-alone calculations using the ZAF and Phi-Rho-Z algorithms contained in the Probe for EPMA software
CalcZAF allows the user to perform various types of calculations for concentrations to intensities or intensities to concentrations:
Mode 0. Concentrations to intensities- this option calculates the elemental k-factors for the specified concentrations. This is similar to the normal standard k-factor calculation performed for the primary standards by Probe for EPMA. Note that although Probe for EPMA only performs an "elemental" standard k-factor calculation, CalcZAF can also perform an "oxide" standard k-factor calculation. Requires elemental concentrations.
Mode 1. Count intensities to concentrations- this calculation calculates elemental concentrations using both unknown and standard intensities and an assigned standard to calculate the standard k-factor for each "analyzed" element. Intensities for the standard and unknown must be in the same units.
The program will automatically calculate the standard k-factors for each element, however the correct standard must first be assigned from the list of standards in the run. See the Standards | Add/Remove Standards To/From Run menu item to add standards to the run that can be assigned to the "analyzed" elements.
Mode 2. Raw k-ratio intensities to concentrations- this calculation is similar to the above, except that the standard intensity is not required to be entered as it is already "included" in the raw unknown k-ratio. Note that a standard must still be assigned to each "analyzed" element.
Mode 3. K-ratio intensities to concentrations- this calculation is based on an already "normalized" elemental k-ratio (to 1.000). Therefore, only the element, x-ray and unknown "intensity" must be entered for the calculation to be performed. No standard assignments are required, however the program will assign a "dummy" standard assignment of 32767 to each analyzed element.
Output of results are normally to the log window although one can use the Copy Grid To Clipboard button or use the Open Link To Excel menu under the Output menu to create a live link to Excel that the user can utilize to export a number of data types to the spreadsheet as desired using the >>Excel button.
Note that the Output Oxide Weight Percents and Output Normalized Oxide Percents options will be disabled if both the Calculate With Stoichiometric Oxygen and Display Results As Oxide Formulas option are not selected. Note also that the Calculate With Stoichiometric Oxygen option cannot be selected if oxygen is an analyzed element.
A new feature is to use the Combined Conditions button to specify different operating voltages for each analyzed element.
Importing Concentration or Intensity Data From a Disk
Calculating Error Histograms from Binary Composition Input