Save U, Th, Pb Age Calculations
This menu (U, Th, Pb Age calculation format) will create an output file of standard or unknown samples using code based on Montel’s age calculations written by Julien Allaz and John Donovan for monazite age calculations based on the uranium, thorium and lead concentrations (assuming all lead is radiogenic).
In addition the elemental and oxide weight percents, along with single point detection and analytical sensitivity and raw k-ratios, count times, beam current and x, y, z coordinates and relative distance in microns will also be output for all elements.
SAMPLE Sample name (in double quotes)
LINE Line number
U WT% Elemental weight percent of uranium
Th WT% Elemental weight percent of thorium
Pb WT% Elemental weight percent of lead
U PPM Elemental weight percent of uranium in PPM
Th PPM Elemental weight percent of thorium in PPM
Pb PPM Elemental weight percent of lead in PPM
Age[My] Calculated monazite age in millions of years
Calc Pb Pb calculated (predicted)
%Pb(U Percent of Pb from radioactive decay of uranium
%Pb(Th) Percent of Pb from radioactive decay of thorium
El (O2) Oxide weight percent
El WT% Elemental weight percent
TOTAL Total weight percent
DAT/TIM Acquisition date and time in system defined format
X-POS X stage position
Y-POS Y stage position
Z-POS Z stage position
RELDIST Relative distance (in microns)
BEAMCUR Beam or probe current (in nA) (array if combined conditions sample)
ABSBCUR Sample or absorbed current (in nA)
El AT% Atomic percent
El CDL99 Detection limit in elemental weight percent at 99% confidence
El %ERR Analytical error in relative percent (one sigma)
El ONTIM On-peak counting time
El HITIM High off-peak counting time
El LOTIM Low off-peak counting time
El K-RAW Elemental raw k-ratio (unk counts/standard counts)
STD_NUM Primary standard assignment number
STD_NAM Primary standard assignment name
This file format was specified by Julien Allaz and Michael Jercinovic at the University of Massachussetts and cannot be modified for other applications.